Recruitment for 2024 starts in

5 marca 2025 godzina 21:00


The Osteopathy Academy

The Osteopathy Academy

The Academy of Osteopathy was created for the same reason why you probably want to start your adventure with osteopathy - the fascination with man. From the desire to discover how it works, from the need for a holistic view of the body.

Osteopathy is an ambitious, extremely interesting and satisfying path. You need very experienced guides to follow it. In this we have no equal in Poland. Our Academy was established in 2008 in Wrocław on the initiative of Marek Mularczyk, a medical doctor.. In 2012, we moved the Academy to Poznań, and Łukasz Ciesielski became its director.

Our motto is "Touch to understand".

It reflects well the essence of osteopathy and its science as well as our mission. After all, in order to understand how a person functions, you need not only great knowledge in every field of medicine, but also practice. This assumption is the basis of our proprietary curriculum. We want to educate complete osteopaths who will be able to help their patients independently and responsibly.



The Academy's educational programme is based on the standards used in the greatest osteopathic schools in the world and covers over 2,000 teaching hours within 44 seminars during the 4.5-year teaching cycle.


Title DO

After completing the 4.5-year curriculum, you get the opportunity to write a diploma thesis and become a certified osteopath with the degree as a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO).



The Academy of Osteopathy operates in: Poznań, Krakow, Warsaw, Wrocław and Gdańsk


Do you need more information?


Marcelińska 92, 60-324 Poznań,
(+48) 606 306 122, (+48) 668 378 419
(+48) 668 641 708
Tuesday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm


The administrator of your personal data is Akademia Osteopatii based in Poznań at ul. Marcelińskiej 92, NIP 7361517194. Detailed information on the processing of your personal data can be found in the Regulations and Privacy Policy.