Recruitment for 2024 starts in

5 marca 2025 godzina 21:00


Exceptional experts and professionals

Łukasz Ciesielski

Łukasz Ciesielski

Director of the Academy of Osteopathy, osteopath (Poland)

Osteopathic integration

Raphael Van Assche

Raphael Van Assche

DO, MSc Osteopathie (Austria)

Strain Counterstrain, Physioenergetics

Francois Allart

Francois Allart

DO, MRO.F, MEd (France)

Visceral osteopathy, Endocrynology

Thomas Kroll

Thomas Kroll

MSc, D.O. (Germany)


Michael Vittoria

Michael Vittoria

D.O. Bsc.Hons.Ost/ Dpo (Italy)

BLT - Balanced Ligamentous Treatment, Parietal osteopathy: Cervical spine

Walter Mckone

Walter Mckone

D.O. (The United Kingdom)

History and philosophy, craniosacral osteopathy

Raimund Engel

Raimund Engel

DO, Msc. (Austria)

CAS – Clinical approach to the spine, Physioenergetics

Marek Mularczyk

Marek Mularczyk

MD, osteopath

Internal diseases - Abdominal cavity, Mediastinum

Volker Och

Volker Och

MSc, DO (Germany)

Craniosacral osteopathy, Psychosomatics

Rüdiger Goldenstein

Rüdiger Goldenstein

Florian Walzinger

Florian Walzinger

DO (Switzerland)

Visceral osteopathy

Bartosz Niemiec

Bartosz Niemiec



Ewelina Tyszko-Bury

Ewelina Tyszko-Bury

D.O. (Poland)

Pediatrics 1 - pregnancy

Patrycja Szachta

Patrycja Szachta

Dr n. biol. (Poland)

Diagnosis of gastrointestinal problems and clinical dietetics

Łukasz Sieńczewski

Łukasz Sieńczewski

dietitian, nutrition specialist


Alja Klie

Alja Klie

MSc Paed Ost DO (Switzerland), Paediatric Bobath therapist


Marcin Ścieżkowski

Marcin Ścieżkowski

Osteopath (Poland)

Parietal osteopathy: Upper limb, Osteopathic integration, Dentistry

Prof. Dr. Frank Willard

Prof. Dr. Frank Willard

PhD, DO (Hons) USA

Anatomy, neuroanatomy

Nicholas Marcer

Nicholas Marcer

DO, Msc Ost, PhD, MIAS (the United Kingdom)

Autonomous Nervous System, GOT - General Osteopathic Treatment

François Bence

François Bence

BSc (Hons.), DO, CDS (Switzerland)


Marcin Sowa

Marcin Sowa

Osteopath (Poland)

Osteopathic Integration, Parietal Osteopathy: Chest, Craniosacral Osteopathy

Christian Bernhard

Christian Bernhard

DO (Austria)

Strain Counterstrain

Anna Żurowska

Anna Żurowska

Osteopath (Poland)

Physiology of pain, Embryology

Paweł Kasprzak

Paweł Kasprzak

DO (Poland)

Palpative anatomy

Anna Gębalska - Zarychta

Anna Gębalska - Zarychta

Osteopath (Poland)

Parietal osteopathy - ankle and knee

Andrzej Ścieżkowski

Andrzej Ścieżkowski

Dentist (Poland)


Dariusz Kowalski

Dariusz Kowalski

DO (Poland)

Palpatory Anatomy, Parietal osteopathy: Pelvis

Gwyneth Fadipe

Gwyneth Fadipe

BSc (Hons), B.Ost (Hons) (The United Kingdom)

Parietal osteopathy: lumbar spine

Dan Brown

Bsc (Hons), DO (The United Kingdom)

Clinical methods

Bruno Chikly

Bruno Chikly

MD DO (France)

Master Course: Brain, Lymphatic system

Anja Engel-Schulmeyer

Anja Engel-Schulmeyer

MSc, DO, DPO (Germany)

Academy of Osteopathy in Paediatrics

Margot Van Assche

Margot Van Assche

Doctor of Medicine

Physioenergetics, acupuncture, homeopathy

Anna Badowska

Anna Badowska

physician specialist in medical rehabilitation, Osteopath


Zygmunt Łukasz Borkowski

Zygmunt Łukasz Borkowski

DO (Poland)


Łukasz Komorowski

Łukasz Komorowski


Palpation anatomy

Piotr Płaza

Piotr Płaza


Katarzyna Ślugaj

Katarzyna Ślugaj

Osteopath, Physiotherapist, NDT-Bobath Baby Therapist

Pediatric osteopathy

Jolanta Uchman

Jolanta Uchman

medical doctor, pediatrician, neonatologist

Pediatric osteopathy

Samantha Fennell

Samantha Fennell


Pediatric osteopathy

Agnieszka Ziółkowska

Agnieszka Ziółkowska

PhD in Medical Sciences, Professor at University of Zielona Gora

Sectional anatomy

Leszek Porowski

Leszek Porowski


Sectional anatomy

Agnieszka Kilanowska

Agnieszka Kilanowska


Sectional anatomy


The Academy's educational programme is based on the standards used in the greatest osteopathic schools in the world and covers over 2,000 teaching hours within 44 seminars during the 4.5-year teaching cycle.


Title DO

After completing the 4.5-year curriculum, you get the opportunity to write a diploma thesis and become a certified osteopath with the degree as a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO).



The Academy of Osteopathy operates in: Poznań, Krakow, Warsaw, Wrocław and Gdańsk


Do you need more information?


Marcelińska 92, 60-324 Poznań,
(+48) 606 306 122, (+48) 668 378 419
(+48) 668 641 708
Tuesday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm


The administrator of your personal data is Akademia Osteopatii based in Poznań at ul. Marcelińskiej 92, NIP 7361517194. Detailed information on the processing of your personal data can be found in the Regulations and Privacy Policy.